Bell Ringers Radio

It’s newer than news when you’re right there as something new debuts…


Why Launch?

Why Launch through Bell-Ringers


There’s awesome exposure with a Bell-Ringers launch but it’s not a strictly mercenary pay-to-play opportunity like a commercial or infomercial. Not every product will qualify. Not every applicant will qualify. But don’t sweat that – qualifying is ultimately easy; keep reading.


There’s a quick submission process through a form you can find here on this site. Yes, you do have to pay us, but ours is a whole new approach that offers you awesome visibility and the biggest bang for your buck than most launches can ever hope to get.


Drop a note to if you’d like to hear the pace, tempo and compelling nature of the show through a sample segment; make sure to provide our segment sales team with your contact info.


And remember, you get more than just our nationwide radio reach – we also arrange (and write and pay for) press release on BusinessWire, PR Newswire and the PRWeb Advanced wire – plus guaranteed coverage on the monstrous SlashGear online news site. Plus you get a recorded stream of your Bell-Ringers coverage – and a Bell-Ringers logo to use on packaging and in promotion.


Participation is not free


It’s a huge bang for your buck – so yes, there are some bucks involved – probably not as many as you anticipate (though maybe more than your rivals or competitors are able or willing to pay, which can be one more edge for you).


There’s nothing that isn’t major league about what we deliver -our annual budget is more than $10 million – but by spreading that cost across all the launches we carry, you get a breakthrough bargain.


So submit. In less than 3 days we’ll let you know if your submission is conditionally approved – more on that quick and easy process in a second – we just want to make clear that it isn’t slow.


How we make MORE cost less


If we grant conditional approval, final approval only requires your payment of $15,000. That’s less money than many PR agency fees – with less reach than ours – a lot less money than any ad campaign – less than most satellite media tours – less than a lot of other launch alternatives.


You can’t just buy your way in


We should be able to approve most of the submissions we get – and quickly, within 1-3 days of getting it. But being radio, a few debuts may face taboos. So we review every submission to make sure it’s a launch worth being a Bell-Ringer – something cool and new – something our audience will want to hear and our stations will allow to air. Then we put a team on it to tell it in our trademark upbeat newer-than news style. You and we both want it to be a debut that will interest our audience – and, heck, thrill them.


We need to determine timing together


The day and time our bell rings must be your launch’s first visibility to anyone anywhere. After all, that newer-than-news nuance is a major reason so many people want to hear about it.


For launch times in any given month, we need to fully qualify all of that month’s segments before the tenth of the preceding month.


We urge you to submit at least 6-8 weeks before your planned launch date. And ask us to send you an expert’s advice on how a Bell-Ringers “big bang” launch can work as a kickoff point for your other launch promotions.